Monday, October 21, 2019

Wrinkle Injections Medicine

Muscle relaxing injections serve best to smoothen out the face wrinkles.  They work by blocking the function of muscle that cause wrinkles.  Different types of injections are available and it is our choice to choose the best among them.

Wrinkles around mouth  is an issue of which lots of folks experience particularly ladies.   Majority of these facial lines could appear anywhere on your face although it seems that the most noticeable part is whenever it forms lines from the bottom of your nose all the way down to the edges of your mouth.
The presence of wrinkles around mouth affects your self-esteem.  They customarily appear on the area from the base of your nose down to your mouth.  The worse thing is that its location makes them so obvious.  That is why when you see them in the mirror you want them to be removed straight away.
It has long been suspected that wrinkles around mouth has been more of a problem for women than for men.  Those wrinkles are called perioral wrinkles, and a recent study indicates that biology may be the culprit in terms of women being more prone to them than men.
There are many factors that cause wrinkles around mouth.   The most typical is the excessive facial movements and expressions like when you're frowning, thinking too hard, smiling or annoyed.   Environmental components such as too much sun exposure and pollution can result into early aging that will be the reason behind your wrinkles.
People want to get rid of wrinkles around mouth as it can make a positive change to their entire appearance.  And one can adopt a lot of ways to get rid of wrinkles around mouth.  Since unhealthy skin can also be one the culprits, you can get rid of wrinkles around mouth, by making some substantial changes to your diet.  Usually a diet which constitutes of vitamin E filled fruits and vegetables can help you to combat wrinkles, and in certain cases, the development of wrinkles can get delayed as well.
One of the first sign of aging is the wrinkles around the mouth which are called the smile lines.  As the production of collagen slows down with aging, the skin's elasticity breaks down, resulting in those wrinkles.  It is further hastened by smoking and sun exposure without proper care.  But the good news is, there are many professional skin care products that will help you to reduce wrinkles around mouth.  There are some natural home remedies as well.
The most expensive skin care is not necessarily the best one either.  On the contrary, an inexpensive product may show tremendous results on your skin simply because it may contain more effective natural ingredients.  It is highly recommended that when choosing an anti-wrinkle product, select one with ingredients that are safe and natural, especially when using on wrinkles around mouth.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wrinkle Injections: Dysport Vs Botox

Dysport vs. Botox; what treatment is the best treatment for wrinkles and frown lines? Both drugs have the same active ingredient: Clostridium botulinim toxin type A. Both are approved by the US FDA. Both work in the same way, by paralyzing facial muscles. So what are the differences?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dr. Patrick J. Treacy

We have all seen individuals whose mood has changed positively following BTX-A injection in the brow area. Now there is growing evidence that treatment of the glabellar area may actually be used to treat depression. In this paper Dr. Patrick Treacy looks at the current data to support this theory.
Depression affects over 120 million people globally, making it one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Although there are various effective treatments, therapeutic response remains unsatisfactory and depression can develop as a chronic condition in a considerable proportion of patients. Negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and sadness are prevalent in depression and also are associated with hyperactivity of the corrugator and procerus muscles in the glabellar region of the face. In 1872, Charles Darwin recognised these features as a very specific expression of sadness and attributed them to the activity of so-called ‘grief muscles’ in the glabellar region. He also formulated a new theory called the ‘facial feedback hypothesis’, which implied a mutual interaction between emotions and facial muscle activity. More recently, Larsen et al. have shown experimental evidence that voluntary contraction of facial muscles can channel emotions, which are conversely expressed by activation of these muscles.
Heckmann and others (1992) have published data suggesting that treatment of the glabellar region with botulinum toxin produces a change in facial expression from angry, sad, and fearful to happy and this can impact on emotional experience. Many therapists, including Sommer (2003) have shown that patients who have been treated in the glabellar area reported an increase in emotional wellbeing and reduced levels of fear and sadness beyond what would be expected from the cosmetic benefit alone. Hennenlotter (2009) went one stage further and showed that botulinum toxin treatment to the glabellar area stopped the activation of limbic brain regions normally seen during voluntary contraction of the corrugator and procerus muscles. This indicated that feedback from the facial musculature in this region in some way modulated the processing of emotions. Many other researchers have continued down this road with Havas (2010) noting that the processing time for sentences with negative affective connotation was prolonged in women after glabellar botulinum toxin treatment and Neal and Chartrand (2011) speculating that the treatment interfered with the ability to decode the facial expression of other people. This is where things were until recently with many authors suggesting that this capacity to counteract negative emotions could be put to some clinical use during the treatment of depression.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


1.    Botox and fillers work the same way.
No, Botox (a brand of anti-wrinkle injection) and dermal fillers work differently and treat different concerns. Anti-wrinkle injections (Botox and Dysport) are muscle relaxants. Dermal fillers restore volume and hydration.
2.    Botox and fillers can remove movement and emotion from the face. 
Dosage is individualised to the client. The perfect amount of anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers should be tailored to allow natural expression.
3.    Botox is addictive. 
Cosmetic injections are not physiologically addictive; however, people may like the result so much that they work it into their grooming budget.
4.    Injectables are painful.
Everybody has a different pain threshold. Typically ice is sufficient to take the sting out of an anti-wrinkle treatment. 
When a client is having dermal fillers, we apply a pharmaceutical grade topical numbing cream prior to the treatment. The product itself also has an in built numbing agent, Lidocaine, to help alleviate any tenderness through the procedure. 
5.    It is easy to tell who has had injectables.
Ideally no one should suspect you have had cosmetic injections. The goal is to look like you are well rested and rejuvenated.
6.    Botox is expensive.
Depending on the level of your dosage and what product is used (Botox or Dysport), prices will vary.  
7.    All types of injectables are the same.
Laser Clinics Australia offers two different brands of anti-wrinkle injections, Dysport and Botox. There are slight differences in dosing and costing, but are both very similar in that they are both muscle relaxants, which create a smooth, rejuvenated and youthful appearance.
 8.    Fillers require downtime.
 There can be some downtime with cosmetic injections; however, they tend to be mild and transient.
 9.    If I stay out of the sun my botox will last longer.
No, the environment will have no impact on the effects of your treatment.
 10. Botox doesn’t last if you exercise regularly or aggressively .
There is no evidence-based research to suggest that this is the case. If you are noticing that longevity may be an issue, it is important to work with your injector to find an appropriate and safe dose that is both aesthetically pleasing and lasting.
 11. Botox can be poisonous. 
Botox and Dysport are TGA approved, and have a multitude of therapeutic uses.
For cosmetic purposes it is essential that an experienced and qualified doctor or registered nurse administers the treatment at manufacturers recommended dosage.
 12. The effects of botox are permanent.
Anti-wrinkle treatments typically last 3-4 months depending on the muscles injected and dose. As every client is different, the injector will create an individualised tailored plan to maintain a refreshed appearance. This may include incorporating dermal filler to achieve the desired aesthetic goal. 
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